Why do I pick QuikSite?
MyQuikSite.com's easy to use software allows someone with no knowledge in HTML or any Web Design language to develop his/her own website. With the easy to use interface, simply choose the Bold button, the Underline Button, Right Align, Left Align, Insert Image, etc, the same as with your word proccessing software.
MyQuikSite.com's custom designed floor-plans allow you to choose the layout that fits your web site, and then continue customizing it with colors, fonts, images, and more! And Our floor plans are Search Engine ready, so you can begin marketing right away! Want to change a layout? Our professional designers are available for more customization!
The video tutorials allow you to learn to do many functions in your site from basic to advanced. Don't see the tutorial you were looking for, contact us and we will add it to the list!
You can begin working on your very own QuikSite within minutes for only $99/year**. This includes up to 5 pages and 2 email accounts. That is the only price for the QuikSite product unless you want to add optional plugins which are purchased at a monthly price depending on whether it is basic or advanced. (Plugins coming soon).
**Does not include domain name purchase.
Upload your own logo to your page to brand it for your company!